Monday, January 09, 2006

FAQ about Erotic Hypnosis

The most common questions I hear are:

1. What "IS" Erotic Hypnosis?

In simple terms: Erotic Hypnosis is
a highly suggestable trance/altered state created with the intention of heightening and intensifying erotic experience, pleasure, and/or power exchange.

2. Does Hypnosis REALLY work or is it actually role-playing?

Yes, hypnosis does really work, but like almost anything else it's effectiveness and success has much to do with the particular individuals involved. Some people are natrually more suggestable than others, and Hypnotists have varying levels of skill and experience.

3. How can this possibly work online?

The same way it is possible in a real time encounter. The hypnotist talks in a voice client or types in a text chat format and guides the subject into a hypnotic state. First inducing hypnotic trance, then deepening the altered state, and finally making pertinent suggestions that have been agreed upon before the subject is brought out of the trance.

4. Text trances won't really work will they?

Usually textual hypnotic inductions will work on all but the most difficult of subjects; but are of course ALOT more work for the hypnotist. There is a skill to text trancing that is much different from merely speaking to the subject or "voice trancing" In this medium imagery comes into play alot to help the subject "see" in their mind's eye and does require skill and more effort and patience than other forms of hypnosis.

5. Hypnosis is Mind Control right?

NO!!!!! Contrary to popular belief Hypnosis and Mind Control/Brainwashing are NOT interchangeable terms. Please see this url: for a more indepth definition and explanation.

I welcome more questions and comments to this post and wish E/everyone a Happy 2006!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you tell me more about this technique, as well as what it entails and what the ultimate benefits are of it??

10:25 PM  
Blogger Des|re said...

the community pages @ is the place to start. After that, stop by #Hypnofantasia and ask the regulars a few questions :) if you choose the chat now! option on the menu bar a java applet will take you right there.


12:26 PM  

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